Filthy bung! Scullion! Swaggering rascal!
If you know of any other Shakespearean insults, what are your favorite ones? Let us know in the comments section below!
Filthy bung! Scullion! Swaggering rascal!
If you know of any other Shakespearean insults, what are your favorite ones? Let us know in the comments section below!
From Kurtis Baute:
If you set up a row of dominoes as a timeline of history from the Big Bang to now, and had each domino represent 1 million years it would stretch over 300 meters long. I know because thats what I did for this video. The universe is very old.
[Kurtis Baute | Via Geekologie]
[Source: @wtframecomics]
From Hildegard von Blingin:
Good day fine people! I present a eulogy for a rather unpleasant summer, and wish you all a happier autumn!
[Source: @thejenkinscomic]
[Source: @grichael.meaney]
[Source: @comicoftheapes]
Be sure to watch this one in full screen mode!
From Burns Reviews:
So yesterday I uploaded a near shot for shot comparison trailer for the new trailer for The Batman (2021) with David Fincher’s very similiar SE7EN (1995). It’s not a flawless match but seeing all the similarities i’m very excited for the new take the next Batman film is taking.