“Jabberwocky”: One of Literature’s Best Bits of Nonsense

Can you make sense of the nonsense? Be sure to activate the subtitles on this one after hitting the play button!

As Alice wanders through the dreamscape of Looking-Glass Land in Lewis Carroll’s “Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There,” she happens across a book written in an unintelligible language. Inside, she discovers an epic poem filled with nonsense, fearsome creatures, and whimsical language. Dive into Carroll’s legendary poem, “Jabberwocky” and see if you can make sense of the nonsense.

[TED Ed]

A Black Friday for Video Games in September! Popular Games as Low as $1.49!

If you have a PC or game console at home and are on the lookout for new games, Gamestop currently has a big “Black Friday in September” sale for you guys with games as low as $1.49! Be sure to check it out right here! They also have plenty of collectible at super low prices! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts.

[Gamestop Cyber Weekend in September Sale]

Love, Guns & Level Ups – An Awesome New Webseries by Fury Fingers

Love, Guns & Level Ups is an awesome new webseries by the guys from Fury Fingers. The basic premise is this:

When an International cosplayer and an introverted game developer connect online, they discover the challenges of a real-world relationship. An action rom-com about video games and modern dating.

I’m usually not a huge fan of webseries, but after watching the first episode of Love, Guns & Level Ups, I immediately wanted more! The acting is good, the visual effects are A1, and the whole thing has just an awesome “feel good” vibe to it. The series has 6 episodes, which are all available right now! Watch them below!