Ryan Reynolds’ Free Guy Gets an Awesome New Trailer [Video] #Freeguy

Free Guy

Seriously, geeks, I haven’t been this excited for a movie in a while. Maybe it’s because I haven’t seen anything good in a long time, but if Free Guy is as excellent as this trailer is, it’s going to be amazing. And we all love Ryan Reynolds. He’s like the new old spice guy… or something. Not like that jerk friend of his, Hugh Jackman. Gin is way more enjoyable than coffee anyways… in moderation! Drink responsibly!

Free Guy is expected to hit the big scren on December 11th. Let’s just hope it stays that way!

[Ryan Reynolds]

Dear Geeks are Sexy Readers: A Personal Call for Help

Geeks are Sexy

I’ve been running this site for 15 years this month (2005-2020,) as old as my eldest son. For me, it’s been a life changing project; I started this place as a small tech blog as I entered into fatherhood for the first time, and then, thanks to the amazing support I received from you guys, it quickly turned into something else: a love letter to all things geek. Fast forward to 2011, I got my third kid and dumped my “real” job as a sysadmin to work on Geeks are Sexy full-time. This site has always been a one-geek business. Things were good, until they were not.

As many of you know, I’ve had a big operation for a very rare and painful disease I suffer from a few months ago, and due to the pandemic situation and new European and Californian laws, revenue are down massively.

I need help. My server renewal is coming in December, and I’m freaking out.

Do you enjoy Geeks are Sexy? Please consider donating a small or large amount to help me keep on going, but only if you can. Here are two options:

Contribute monthly to our Patreon
Make a donation via Paypal (Via a Paypal account or a credit card)

For those who don’t know, Geeks are Sexy is not just about the site. It also has a kick-ass Facebook group composed of nearly 20,000 contributing members, a Facebook page, a cosplay Instagram account, and a lot more!

Whatever you do, thank you for being there. I regularly get emails from people who really like the site, and I am eternally grateful to you guys for the support you’ve been giving me for the past 15 years. Thank you.

Sir Patrick Stewart Concludes his “Sonnet a Day” Series with a Wonderful Quote

I was telling myself, no more work today, but when I stumbled Patrick Stewart’s newest “Sonnet a Day” video, I knew I just had to share it with you guys. What makes this video so special is not Stewart’s toxedo or his martini, nor is it shakespeare’s Sonnet 154, which concludes his “Sonnet a Day” series, but it’s the quote he reads from behind the bookmark a dear friend gave him a long time ago. Watch:

From Horace’s Odes 3.29:

โ€œHappy the man, and happy he alone,
he who can call today his own:
he who, secure within, can say,
Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today.

This Adorably Whimsical Stan Lee Figure Encapsulate the Spirit of the Legend! Excelsior!

Excelsior! If there’s one statue that truly represents the spirit of Stan Lee, it’s this new statue from MiniCo. in our humble opinion! Standing at about 5 1/2-inches tall, fans of the great man and legend will love this figure. The glasses! The hair! The smile! A wonderful and perfect tribute to a great man!

Pre-order now for $34.99.

[Stan Lee MiniCo. Vinyl Figure]