Holy Crap! This “Mythos” Statue of General Obi-Wan Kenobi Looks AMAZING!

I’m a huge Star Wars nerd, but I’ve never considered getting one of Sideshow’s collectible statues until the life-sized “Baby Yoda” was unveiled ealier this year, and now, this new “Mythos” statue of General Obi-Wan Kenobi. But I’m not getting this one considering the current situation we’re all in. As Obi-Wan would say: “It takes strength to resist the dark side. Only the weak embrace it.” Sigh.

The General Obi-Wan Kenobi™ Mythos Statue measures 17.7” tall, standing on the smoldering wreckage of a Confederacy B2 super battle droid dismembered by his blue lightsaber. The symbol of the Jedi Order is emblazoned on the general’s left shoulder, marking him among the noble peacekeepers in the legendary galactic conflict known as the Clone Wars.

The polystone General Obi-Wan Kenobi™ Mythos Statue features a sculpted Jedi tabard costume with a distressed brown fabric cape that includes wire in the hem for posing and styling. His sculpted Clone Wars armor includes a white chest plate, arm and leg guards, and pauldrons weathered from battle. Obi-Wan Kenobi™ also includes an alternate Phase 1 Clone Trooper helmet portrait, complimenting the Jedi general’s armor for a unique additional display option in your collection. The statue features dynamic paint application that captures realistic shadow and forced lighting throughout the figure, bringing this stunning Star Wars collectible to life on your shelf.

[General Obi-Wan Kenobi™ Mythos]

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Remastered and Colorized Snowball Fight Footage from 1896 [Video]

Video artist Joaquim Campa took Louis Lumière’s iconic footage from 1896 featuring a snowball fight in the streets of Lyon, France, remastered and colorized it, and re-released it for all to enjoy. For those who don’t know, Lumière is an engineer who played a key role in the development of photography and cinema back in the late 19th century. Watch:


Here is the original footage:


Not sure why they say it’s from 1897, all documentations I’ve read point to 1896 as the year the film was created.