This Design Assets Bundle Is Worth Over $12k, But You Can Get It for $50 (Stock Photography, Icons, and Vector Images)

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How Does Anesthesia Work? [Science Video]

A simple video explaining how anesthesia works by the folks at TED Ed. Check it out!

When under anesthesia, you canโ€™t move, form memories, or โ€” hopefully โ€” feel pain. And while it might just seem like you are asleep for that time, you actually arenโ€™t. Whatโ€™s going on? Steven Zheng explains what we know about the science behind anesthesia.

[TED Ed]

This Geek Spent 2 Years Making a Video Game to Propose to His Girlfriend

Redditor thanthemann spent two years programming NENA, a video game that was made to propose to his girlfriend. Check her out below as she ends the game and gets asked the big question: Will you marry me?

For those who want to play, NENA is a real top-down action-puzzler game that you can download on STEAM. All profits will go toward funding the couple’s post-COVID wedding.

[NENA on STEAM | Via Born in Space]

Geek Builds MIND-BLOWING Star Trek Man Cave Theater [Pics + Video]

Star Trek Man Cave

Star Trek geek Phil Stiller wanted a man cave, but just not any man cave: A Star Trek themed one. So he decided to build one, complete with a small bar, 3 X LCD screen windows showing Earth as it’s rotating and travelling through space, and a super large projection screen. To get in, he installed a fully pneumatic sci-fi door with a safety / manual override. There’s also some comfy home theater recliners as well as shelves to show his awesome space memorabilia collection. Check out the video below as well as a few pictures of the construction process:

Impressive, isn’t it?

I’d want to live there full time! Not sure the girlfriend would agree, though, she’d want a Star Wars themed one instead, but I’d be totally ok with that as well.

The man also installed an Alexa enabled Doctor Who TARDIS front door on his house! How amazing is that?

[Via BIS]

Is Human Evolution Speeding Up or Slowing Down? [Science Video]

In the past 3,000 years, many populations have evolved genetic adaptations to their local environments. People in Siberia and the high arctic are uniquely adapted to survive extreme cold. The Bajau people can dive 70 meters and stay underwater for almost 15 minutes. So what are other recent changes? And will our technological innovations impact our evolution? Laurence Hurst investigates.

[TED Ed]