OREO Built a Post-Apocalypse Vault to Protect OREO Cookies in Case Asteroid Hits Earth

Picture Credit: Oreo

On November 2, Asteroid 2018VP1 will fly by Earth, just a day before the elections in the US. And even though it has virtually no chance of hitting our planet (1 in 240), the folks from Oreo wanted to make sure we still get to eat their wonderful cookies if an apocalyptic event ever occurs. That’s why they had a vault built especially for the occasion. If you’re worried about the asteroid ending civilization, don’t be, the thing is roughtly the size of a refrigirator and will likely desintegrate in the atmosphere before hitting the ground.

“As an added precaution, the Oreo packs are wrapped in mylar, which can withstand temperatures from -80 degrees to 300 degrees Fahrenheit and is impervious to chemical reactions, moisture and air, keeping the cookies fresh and protected for years to come.”

In case of an apocalypse, head over to these coordinates: ma. This is just down the road after the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole.

[Via CB]

Dear Geeks are Sexy Readers – THANK YOU SO MUCH!

A few weeks ago, I sent a call for help to you guys. 2020 has been a very difficult year, but the love you have all sent me during these difficult times is the best part of my year so far. Yes, you did help me financially with your donations, but what has touched me the most are the messages you sent me. I had no idea the site had such an impact on your lives! Among all those I received, here is the one that brought me to the brink of tears (I’ll leave the name of the person out for confidentiality purposes):

I can’t even begin to tell you how much I’ve enjoyed GaS over the years. The many webcomics I got to know, the lovely cosplay pictures I saw, the science/knowledge/fun videos I got to watch. Let’s just say it’s well deserved, and you’re welcome. If it brightens your day in this difficult times – you brightened mines.

So once again, thank you dear fellow geeks. Bringing joy to you through what I do is what brings me the most joy as well. Geeks are Sexy is my full time job, and I’m practically alone running it, even though a team of two or three people would be ideal. Want to help? Here are a few things you can do:

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Presenting The World’s Largest Air Cannon [Video]

Here is the world’s largest air connant, built by the folks from the Laborky Cz Youtube channel in cooperation with czech TV show ‘Wonders of nature’. The content is in czech, so if you want to fast forward to the spot where they use the cannon, start the video at aroud the 2:15 mark. This video is a few years old, but this is still very cool!

[Laborky Cz | Via Geekologie]