Live Long and Prosper Mittens

If you live in a cold country and are a fan of all things Star Trek, we have something to show you that we’re sure you’ll love: A pair of “Live Long and Prosper” mittens! Behold:

In keeping with Vulcan sensitivity, this Star Fleet issue pair of cozy mittens has one earthly mitten and one designed to wish others to “Live Long and Prosper. They are typically knit in Science Officer Blue but can be made in any other colour. (avoid the red) These mittens are a soft and warm wool/alpaca blend.

[Live Long and Prosper Mittens]

Spooky Scary Skeletons Performed on Three Musical Tesla Coils [Video] ⚡

Spooky Scary Skeletons performed on three musical tesla coils by Franzoli Electronics

From Franzoli Electronics:

For those who did not understand what is going on this video, here’s a brief explanation: The main loud music really comes from the tesla coil sparks. They are literally playing the music due to the programmed phase, pulse width and firing frequency! So, there are no speakers, no audio / video special effects. It looks even better in person and sounds almost the same, just louder than people expect!

[Franzoli Electronics]

Looking for Extra Storage? Amazon has a BIG Sale on Seagate External and Gaming Drives!

Do you want to add extra storage to your computer or game console without too much work? Amazon currently has a big sale on Seagate external and gaming drives, offering drives going from 1TB to 10TB at affordable prices! Please note that most of these will not only work on your laptop/pc, but also on your PS4 or Xbox One! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.)

[Save Big on Seagate External and Gaming Drives]

Geoengineering: A Horrible Idea We Might One Day Have to Do [Video]

By the end of the 21st century, humanity is becoming desperate. Decades of heatwaves and droughts have led to unusually poor harvests, while the warming oceans yield fewer fish each year. In the tropical zones, millions suffer from famine and resource wars have made millions more flee to the north. As things quickly get worse, in an act of desperation, the world’s governments decide to enact an emergency plan…

It is far from certain that a grim scenario like this will play out. But the failure of world leaders to effectively address climate change, makes it far from impossible.

So in the near future it might become necessary to try something radical to slow down rapid climate change: Geoengineering. Interventions so massive in scale that they might undo centuries of human behavior. Or make everything much worse.

What is geoengineering, is it really an option and what if it goes wrong?

[In a Nutshell]