A Rube Goldberg Machine That Can Make a Sandwich and Vote Simultaneously [Video]

A Rube Goldberg machine that makes a P&B sandwich and vote simultaneously? Sign me in!

It’s really five mini machines. One puts down bread, the next puts on peanut butter, then a machine for jelly and so on. The last machine feeds it to me bite by bite! Spent almost four months on this machine. Oh, and remember to vote!!!

[Joseph’s Machines]

Steak Scented Play Dough? Play-Doh for Grown ups is a Thing Now!

Play-Doh has just released a new line of putty for adults called “Play-Doh for Grown Ups.” With scents such as Overpriced Latte, Mom Jeans, Grill King, Dad Sneakers, Spa Day, and Lord of the Lawn, the new products are meant to evoke everyday things that bring adults joy, like brand-new shoes or freshly cut grass.

Get a nose full of adulthood with this Play-Doh Grown Up Scents Multipack! Thankfully, it doesn’t smell like despair – but rather, things you might encounter doing your adulting. Scented adult Play-Doh compound is the fun you didn’t know you needed in your life! With 6 assorted colors and smells in this variety multipack, there’s something to make everyone laugh. Skip the line of coffee snobs with Overpriced Latte coffee scent, give your gal pal a Play-Doh Spa Day with floral scented, or give the ultimate dad joke comeback with Dad Sneakers new shoe smell. Smells like a pretty great gift or adult party favor that’s sure to be a crowd-pleaser! Includes 24 ounces of Play-Doh modeling compound.

[Play-Doh Grown Up Scents Multipack]

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Disney’s New Skinlesss Animatronic Robot is Total Nightmare Fuel [Video]

Check out Disney’s new animatronic robot that simulates a lifelike gaze when interacting with meatbags such as us, lowly humans.

Super creepy yet impressive, isn’t it?

From The Disney Research Hub:

This video describes the development of a system for lifelike gaze in human-robot interactions using a humanoid animatronic bust. We present a general architecture that seeks not only to create gaze interactions from a technological standpoint, but also through the lens of character animation where the fidelity and believability of motion is paramount; that is we seek to create an interaction which demonstrates the illusion of life.
