[Source: Extra Ordinary Comics – Li Chen | Like “Extra Ordinary Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Extra Ordinary Comics” on Twitter | Follow “Extra Ordinary Comics” on Instagram]
Strange Experience [Comic]
[Source: @zainmation]
Sharing is More Caring Than Console Warring [Comic]
[Source: @codes_comics]
VIDEO GAME Maps Size Comparison 🗾
Ever wondered what video game has the biggest map? In this video from MrRanker, The Youtuber shows some of the biggest open world maps in video game history!
The Person Who Stabbed You [Comic]
[Source: @zainmation]
The Tetris Theme (Korobeiniki) Done Bluegrass Style [Video]
LEVEL UP: Grinding for levels in Souls games [Comedy Sketch]
Dying to the same guy in Dark Souls over and over? Don’t get mad. Level up.
Practical Man [Comic]
[Source: @vcsandfeces]
EXPLODING WHALE: Greatest News Report of All Time Gets Remastered for its 50th Anniversary [Video]
This is one of the greatest TV moments of all time. I mean, when you can get a line such as “The blast blasted blubber beyond all believable bounds” inside a serious news report, your name should be immortalized and a monument should be made in your honor.
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the infamous beached whale incident that took place in Florence, Oregon on November 12th 1970, the Oregon Historical Society arranged for a 4K transfer of the original raw film footage from their archive. KATU has re-edited the package from the new high resolution video. Enjoy!
The event even has a Wikipedia page dedicated to it!
Wiped Out [Comic]
[Source: @nothingsuspicio.us]