The Myth of Loki and the Deadly Mistletoe [Video]

Baldur was the gentlest and most beloved being in all of Asgard. But lately, he had been plagued by gruesome visions foretelling his own imminent death. Determined to protect her son from these grim prophecies, Queen Frigg travelled across the nine realms, begging all living things not to harm Baldur— all living things except one. Iseult Gillespie shares the myth of the death of Baldur.

[TED Ed]

The Mandalorian: Ahsoka Tano Explained [Video]

Ahsoka Tano has appeared in live-action, in the Mandalorian! But, if you’re not familiar with the Star Wars Clone Wars and Rebels animated series, you might have no idea who she is. Her story actually goes back to the earliest days of the Clone wars–when she was the padawan of Anakin Skywalker.

For decades, she has been a hidden–but important–part of the Star Wars saga. Now that she’s finally been brought into live action, it’s exciting to see how she’ll fit into the lead-up to the Force Awakens.


Incredible Star Wars Ahsoka Tano and Hera Syndulla Cosplays [Gallery]

Cosplayer and actress @rei.kennex looks absolutely perfect as Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars (and her live action debut in The Mandalorian.) Check out some of her pics below. I’ll also include a few featuring her as Hera Syndulla since that cosplay is just as amazing!
