[Source: @nicholas_and_his_doubts]
The Last Straw [Comic]
[Source: @inkyrickshaw]
The Great Swap [Comic]
Star Wars Jawa Covers Van Halen’s ‘Eruption’ in Geektastic Stop-Motion Tribute [Video]
From Thomas J Yagodinski:
A Jawa Plays Eruption: A Tribute to Edward Van Halen is exactly that!! This was an extremely FUN way to pay respects to a musical Legend and to also challenge myself to recreate Eddie’s amazing solo, frame by frame via stop motion animation. Is it perfect? Of course not, that’s impossible and nothing ever is :-) The Jawa is a stop motion puppet I fabricated and the guitar is the 1:4 scale (16inch) Mini Guitar (#EVH-004) that I further customized. The set……well, that’s from/for something entirely different!! Hope you have as fun watching as I had creating :-)
Auctify Specs: The World’s First Productivity Boosting Smart Glasses
What if I told you that you could wear a pair of glasses that could not only boost your productivity big time, but could also act as a pair of bone conducting speakers and as a fitness tracker at the same time? Introducing Auctify Specs: the world’s first productivity boosting smart glasses! Got prescription glasses? No problems, the Auctify Specs are available for both prescription and non-prescription wearers and could even be fully refunded by your vision insurance! Check out the product demo below:
Specs are smart glasses that use computer vision and heart rate biosensors to track your productivity and alert you in real time when you’re going off task. Using a system of strategies created under the advisement of expert neuroscientists, psychiatrists, and psychologists, Specs help make procrastination a thing of the past.
Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts.
What Do You Wish, Mortal? [Comic]
[Source: @sychomic]
Funko Releases Complete Line of “Godzilla vs. Kong” POP! Figures
Whether you’re Team Godzilla or Team Kong, the folks at Funko have just released a series of super cute POP! figures portraying your favorite monsters in all their glory. Most are sized at 3 3/4-inches tall, but there’s a few 10-inches versions and a few keychains as well! Check ’em all out below!
Entertainment Earth also have a few other ones, which you can check out over at their site.
[Godzilla vs. Kong POP! Figures]
Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts.
The Bone Horse
[Via MyDND]
America’s Top Secret [Comic]
[Source: @goattoself]
Crazy Bonkers “Omega Mart” Promo Pokes Fun at Supermarket Ads Using Deep Fake Technology
Here’s a rather creepy (in a good way) parody ad featuring a deepfaked Willie Nelson for a fake supermarket store called Omega Mart which, in truth, is a new immersive art installation in Las Vegas from Meow Wolf. For those interested, Omega Mart combines elements from a theme park, a virtual reality game, an art museum, and a shopping mall, and according to redditor ShambolicShogun, the place is “f****** bonkers.” Watch:
Just off I-15 in Las Vegas, right next to the big gorilla!
Next time I’m in Vegas, I’m visiting for sure! Hope it’ll be sooner than later with the pandemic still not under control.