Imperial Baking Party: Darth Vader, Boba Fett, and Darth Sidious Cooking Pies

When they’re not busy ruling the empire or hunting bouties, Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, and Boba Fett like to meet up for a baking party! An amazing art print from our friends over at The Collector’s Outpost! Here are a few fun details you might have missed:

The Emperor is wearing Crocs, Vader is wearing his favorite “Hufflepuff” apron from Harry Potter (Who knew that was his house?!). Boba Fett is baking in his full Mandalorian armor and helmet. The cheerful Skywalker family portrait up on the wall. Han Solo frozen in carbonite is front of the refrigerator. The kitchen lights are beautiful mini death stars.

[Imperial Baking Party Art Print]

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Lazy Pants – A Hilarious Men Without Hats “Safety Dance” Parody

A parody video of Men Without Hats’ “Safety Dance” paying tribute to all the “lazy pants” that came back in style during the pandemic. My girlfriend has a few of those… and a few “lazy sweaters” as well!

I sent the video to the guys from Men Without Hats. Hope they’ll see it. :)

[The Holderness Family]

Boston Dynamics’ Spot Robotic Dog Can Now Open Doors, Pick Up Trash, Play Skipping, and MORE!

From Boston Dynamics

Now that Spot has an arm in addition to legs and cameras, it can do mobile manipulation. It finds and picks up objects (trash), tidies up the living room, opens doors, operates switches and valves, tends the garden, and generally has fun. Motion of the hand, arm and body are automatically coordinated to simplify manipulation tasks and expand the arm’s workspace, making its reach essentially unbounded. The behavior shown here was programmed using a new API for mobile manipulation that supports autonomy and user applications, as well as a tablet that lets users do remote operations.

Boston Dynamics]