These INSANELY Creepy Baby Dolls Are Also Musical Instruments!


Not only are these really strange baby dolls creepy as hell, one also acts as a light theramin, and the other one, as an analog synthesizer! Each can be yours for just… $300! A bargain! Check them out in action below!

BabyBot – Light Theremin

Thank you for adopting the boutique ‘Baby Bot – Light Theremin, Powland Edition’ by Moon Armada. This synth is set up to be wild and experimental, so the best way to play it is to just start turning knobs until you find combinations you like. The LED in the Bot’s hand can be used to shine light into or cover up the light sensor.

Babybot – II

And here’s another one that’s unfortunately not available anymore, the Baby Bot 247 Analog Rhythmic Effects Synthesizer!

Come on, you know you want one. Get yours HERE.

Calling All Creators: Check Out These Deals on Workflow Tools, Design Software, Courses, & More!

Take your content and creative workflow to the next level with these deals designed exclusively with creators in mind!

TourBox Neo: The Ultimate Controller for Creators$190 $149.99

Icons8 Photos Plan: 1-Yr Subscription$199 $99.95

Nix Mini Color Sensor V2$99 $83.95

Edraw Infographic Software: Perpetual License$99 $45

The 2021 Adobe Graphic Design Certification School$1,497 $49

Why Did We Blow in Nintendo Game Cartridges? – The Post-Hoc Fallacy

Blow in Nintendo Game Cartridges

Have you ever wondered why blowing inside your oldschool NES cartridge seemed to make them suddenly work when, initially, they were not when first inserted into your console? Some people even did it with Atari 2600 and Activision cartridges! The thing is, the act of blowing did absolutely nothing, but thanks to “The Post-Hoc fallacy,” you brain believed it did. Watch this episode of “It’s Ok to be Smart” to learn more about the science behind this false reasoning.

[It’s Ok to be Smart]

MY PRECIOUS: Officially Licensed Gollum Rubber Ducky is Now a Thing

TUBBZ makes adorable rubber duckies based on some of pop culture’s most popular franchises. We’ve featured a few of their designs in the past, including their Batman, Lord of the Rings, and Ghostbusters lines. Now, the folks at TUBBZ have released a new LOTR duck based on Gollum. Behold:

They’ve also released a few other models such as a ducks cosplaying as Gimli, Saruman, Arwen, and more! I invite you to check them all out right here!

[LOTR TUBBZ Cosplaying Ducks Collectibles]

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