Best April Foolsโ€™ Joke for 2021: Adult Swim Launching Adult Swim Jr.

Since Thingeek left us back in 2019, the Internet became a boring and sterile place as far as April Fools’ Day go. Maybe the pandemic has something to do with it, but I prefer to think that the mother of all geek sites is the reason behind this total lack of creativity.

This year, thanks to Adult Swim, we finally have something fun for April Fools’ Day: The Channel’s upcoming fake series of kid shows: Adult Swim Jr! Enjoy the weirdness:

Great job, Adult Swim! You guys rock!

AMAZING Amazon Sale: Save $25 when you spend $100 on HUNDREDS of Geektastic Board Games, Books, and More!

Looking to save some big bucks on a large number of geektastic games, books, and more? Amazon currently has a promotion where they’re offering $25 off when you spend $100. There are a lot of products that are part of the sale, but the ones we’re guessing will be of the most interest to you guys are the board games! As I’m writing this, there are over 200 titles available, and most are already discounted by a fair amount, which makes this sale even more interesting! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.)

Be sure to select the “Toys and Games” category via the left menu at the link, and then pick the “Game and Accessories” subcategory.

[Amazon Sale: Save $25 when you spend $100]