Urine-Testing Phone App is no Pisstake

A new iPhone app will help analyze your urine for 25 different health conditions. But thankfully you won’t have to worry about Apple’s warranty exemption for passing water damage. Instead the app works by examining photographs of a strip onto which a patient urinates. The strip changes color depending on the presence and levels of […]

Cellphone companies could ban you using booster

The Federal Communications Commission has warned that the two million wireless signal boosters in US homes might contravene new rules designed to prevent interference. But it has hastily rewritten an order that appeared to order existing users to turn the devices off immediately. The boosters are designed to improve cellphone reception by boosting the local […]

5GHz Wi-Fi getting more capacity

A government agency has announced a significant increase in the amount of unlicensed spectrum available for high-speed WiFi. But it may be some time before the average user sees the benefits. The announcement came today at the Consumer Electronics Show from Julius Genachowski, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. He says the commission has taken […]

Nokia web browser raises privacy questions

Nokia has admitted it does decrypt some internet traffic sent over “secure” connections on some of its cellphones. However, it insists there is absolutely no question of it accessing the information while it is in unencrypted form. The issue was raised by an Indian security researcher and involves the Nokia Xpress Browser. That’s a tool […]

Ubuntu smartphone a possibility for 2014

The first smartphones to run Ubuntu may appear next year. Tech analysts are, to say the least, split over its chances of success. Canonical, the group behind what is one of the best-known Linux-based systems, says that smartphones running Ubuntu will also double up as computers through special docks that connect to a screen, mouse […]