Embrace Your Geekness Day Plans? [Open-Thread]

Pretty much every day is Embrace Your Geekness Day here at Geeks Are Sexy, but July 13th is the official holiday set aside by the folks at wellcat.com, who have 80+ Wellcat Holidays to “celebrate life and its many quirky moments.” The suggested celebratory activities: Into dungeon games, comic books and doing vampire dress-up? Spend […]

This Week In Space News [Round-Up]

There are so many interesting bits of space stuff floating about the Innerwebz this week! Planets and moons and asteroids (with moons?!), oh my. Here’s brief rundown of each with links to in-depth articles if you’re of the space geek set. Our Eighth Planet is so Grown-Up! Tomorrow, June 12, we celebrate Neptune’s first birthday. […]

Nathan Fillion’s PSA about a Serious Gamer Problem [Video]

Nathan Fillion knows a thing or two about the problems gamers face–serious, serious problems that impair one’s ability to majorly pwn one’s adversaries. Fortunately, our favorite Captain cares enough to film this PSA about how to avoid a potential pandemic of “swampass.” Warning: Nathan uses the word “swampass” in the video. :) Thanks, Nathan, for […]

Browncoat Anthem: the Firefly/Serenity Rap [Video]

Shiny. This fan-made Firefly rap won’t make it to the radio, but for fans of the Joss Whedon’s best show ever, it’s nothing short of awesome. Curse you Fox, for your sudden but inevitable betrayal. YouTuber ActorPat‘s hope is that”one of the stars might see it, and want to make a true music video” so […]

Symphony of Science: Children of Africa [Video]

We’re big fans of the Symphony of Science series here at [GAS]. The latest installment, “Children of Africa”, follows the rise of humankind from the moment “in a parched African landscape Man first put his foot to the ground” until they “flung themselves and their machines into interplanetary space.” A musical celebration of humanity, its origins, […]

Breakdown of Browser Stats Shows Chrome Picking Up Speed

When Google launched Chrome back in December 2008, they had big ideas about the new browser’s popularity, expecting it to topple both Internet Explorer and Firefox. It took some time, but according to StatCounter, Chrome has officially snagged 20% of the browser marketshare. Conversely, they also report that Internet Explorer dipped to nearly 50% for the […]

Dark of the NightMare Moon [Video]

Here’s some more mash-up goodness for you, this time from Jeff Haller, who combined the Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon soundtrack with My Little Ponies footage. If there’s something you’ve been dying to mash but you lack the necessary skillz, never fear; jhaller2 is taking suggestions: Credit goes to OblivionPhantom for suggesting this movie […]