Oh, Internet – A love song [Video]
This began as my Anti-SOPA song…but turned into so much more… [MyHarto]
This began as my Anti-SOPA song…but turned into so much more… [MyHarto]
One day I got an email, an sms, a phone call, a Facebook message and two tweets all within about 5 seconds of one another. This video is a re-manifestation of my brain’s interpretation of that event. [Via The Awesomer]
Haven’t you heard? Like Like Like Like Like. Also, gotta love the stalker at around 0:33. [Via Neatorama]
A short motion graphics piece about procrastination. A topic that is definitely fitting (or once was) to my lifestyle. I hope you enjoy! [Ryan Perera]
Batman and Supes review the fine points of social media while hanging out in their favorite café. Thanks Mark!
European privacy officials have demanded that Google put planned privacy policy changes on hold until they can check that the new rules comply with local laws. The demand comes from the Article 29 Working Party. That’s not a legal organization in itself, but rather a group made up of the data protection authorities in each […]
Facebook is all full of firsts. The groundbreaking website that defined modern social media has set a new record as a post has reached One Million Replies, officially setting a world record. JustaGuyThing says: on October 31st, 2011, a post was, er, posted, with the goal of reaching as many comments as the Frontierville Fan […]
[Source: Doghouse Diaries]
Yes, I know, I’m a terrible person, thank you for not reminding me. :) [Source: Toothpaste For Dinner | Via CB]
Tom seems to be getting the idea – who needs to fall asleep in boring lectures when you can add dinosaurs, Yoda, and the Tasmanian devil to the scene. In a world where we’re too lazy to get off the sofa just to get another drink, technology steps up…and encourages us to be even lazier. […]