What Happens On The Internet In 60 Seconds [Video]
All of the stuff that people do on the internet in the span of 1 minute. Including emails, Google searches, tweets, Facebook likes, Instagram uploads, Amazon purchases, and more. [Buzzfeed Videos]
All of the stuff that people do on the internet in the span of 1 minute. Including emails, Google searches, tweets, Facebook likes, Instagram uploads, Amazon purchases, and more. [Buzzfeed Videos]
The closest thing to a “Facebook phone” has been delayed indefinitely in Europe. Officially it’s to allow time to tweak some of the software, but it follows a poor initial response in the United States. Facebook has always insisted it won’t make a handset itself, reasoning that there’s no point putting its efforts into something […]
That’s it, now you know. The guy who invented the format says that the acronym is pronounced “Jif” and NOT “Gif.” I don’t know about you, but because of this, all my childhood dreams have just been shattered. Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go sit down in a corner and cry. Tumblr […]
A former IT manager has created a website with 12,000 “secret” codes for making your way through automated call center menus. Amazingly it appears to be entirely his own work rather than crowdsourced. The Please Press 1 site was created by Nigel Clarke and reportedly took seven years to compile. Although some firms have provided […]
Astronaut Chris Hadfield returns to Earth today, but he’s left quite an awesome record of his journey. He not only had one of the coolest Reddit AMAs ever, but he’s been a prolific tweeter, taking awesome pictures and gathering over 800,000 followers along the way as well as kudos from the likes of William Shatner […]
The owners of domain names such as dacebook, facegbook and faacebok thought they’d make a fortune from fat-fingered Facebook users. In fact they’ll be paying Facebook around $2.8 million. Facebook has become one of the first high-profile winners under the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, a 1999 law that offers limited protection to firms against people […]
The internet was one of the greatest disasters to befall mankind. Now its survivors share their experiences of the tragedy. [The Poke]
If you (or your loved ones) are currently playing Electronics Arts/Maxis games on Facebook, make the most of any cash you’ve spent on it. Come June 14th that money will be worthless. In a move that’s hardly going to dampen down claims that it is the “worst company in the country”, EA has decided to […]
Here are the links to help you guys get quickly to the sites: Jim Carrey’s Website: http://www.jimcarrey.com Nic Cage: http://www.niccageaseveryone.blogspot.com/ Instant Cosby: http://www.instantcosby.com Emergency Yodel: http://www.emergencyyodel.com Steven Seagal’s Energy Drink: http://www.lightningdrink.com Pipe Guy: http://www.youtube.com/smokersofcigarspipes Facebook Likes on Myspace: http://www.myspace.com Toy Story: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G0j_Huv2Fg Boohbah Zone: http://www.boohbah.tv/zone.html Amazon: http://www.amazon.com
Over the past few years, we’ve become accustomed to the tech world presenting plenty of April Fool’s Day gags, many of which involve brilliant-sounding products that turn out to be too good to be true. This year thought, it seems many firms have decided Facebook advertising is the best way to spread the gags. It’s […]