Net Neutrality vs First Amendment: It’s Showtime

It’s something of an established principle in many countries that legal internet traffic should be treated equally. But does net neutrality trump the US constitution? A court may soon have to give the answer. The Federal Communications Commission has regularly argued that it has a legal responsibility to regulate the Internet to keep it open, […]

Technology is Amazing: Mark Malkoff Skypes Around the World [Video]

This week marks the 10th birthday of Skype. To celebrate, comedian Mark Malkoff called as many countries in one week as he could and compiled the project in the video below. 162 countries later, the takeaway is that people everywhere are pretty much the same, and we all want to be happy. You probably remember […]

Twitter Goes Steampunk Thanks to Twittertape

A British man has brought together two forms of communication technologies, making a tickertape machine that can print tweets. Tickertape machines were used in the late 19th century to transfer stock prices over telegraph lines, printing them out on paper tape at the destination. In effect they were simply Morse code machines that printed out […]

Groklaw closes over NSA surveillance

A website specializing in legal news relating to open source software says it will cease activity because of the National Security Agency’s surveillance program. Pamela Jones, who runs Groklaw, says it’s no longer possible to guarantee confidentiality to sources. The site covered many of the patent and other legal cases relating to technology including battles […]