The Social Media Experiment: Invading Strangers’ Privacy With the Help of Social Media [Video]

From Jack Vale: Using the power of Social Media, I FREAKED PEOPLE OUT by making them think I knew personal information about them! So there you go folks, if don’t want total strangers to know details about your private life, just stop making that information available for everyone to see on social media sites. [jackvalefilms]

Is Netflix really killing BitTorrent?

“Netflix is killing illicit filesharing” is the way a new study has been spun in some quarters. But closer inspection doesn’t entirely bear that out. The study is the latest in a regular series by Sandvine. It’s combined data from a a range of internet providers. The figure that’s getting the most attention is Netflix […]

Bitcoin May Favor the Selfish

The virtual currency Bitcoin may have a fundamental flaw according to two Cornell University professors. And they’re not talking about its lack of official recognition or oversight. Emin Gun Sirer, who specialises in operating systems and networking, discusses the piece in a post on the “Hacking, Distributed” blog in which he details a paper he […]

The Star Wars Gangsta Rap is Already 13 Years Old! [Video]

I remember when the original version of this song/video came out in 2000, I watched it over, and over, and over again. Back then, Youtube didn’t exist, and the video was in flash format on I’ve included both the revamped (above) and original version (below) to share the nostalgia with you guys. We’ve got […]

Congress Investigates Site Failings

A congressional panel has been hearing evidence about the poor performance of the recently-launched site. It’s becoming clear that there’s much more to it than simply being overwhelmed with demand, though one late decision did exacerbate that problem. The site is designed as a central resource for users to compare health insurance plans available […]