Internet Explorer Gets A Death Sentence

Microsoft has confirmed it is effectively ditching the Internet Explorer browser and brand. It will be kept on in Windows 10 for compatibility purposes only. It’s been known for some time that Microsoft was working on a new browser project, codenamed Spartan. Now the company has confirmed this will be the primary browser in Windows […]

Big Birdman: Sesame Street Does Brilliant ‘Birdman’ Satire

Sesame Street has really upped their game over the last few years. Adding pure satire and parody that is clearly aimed at parents more than the children. Recently, they did a spoof of the brilliant Michael Keaton masterpiece, Birdman, and though you will have to have seen the movie to understand how well it fits, […]

HTTP Gets Major Overhaul

The first major revision of the hypertext transfer protocol has been finalized. HTTP/2 could mean pages are much faster to load, particularly on mobile devices. Despite, or perhaps precisely because it’s such a fundamental part of the web, HTTP hasn’t had a significant update since changes to the current 1.1 standard in 1999. The proposed […]

What It Would Be Like If Presidents Acted Like Frank Underwood from ‘House of Cards’

House of Cards on Netflix is a pretty intense show, headed by a pretty intense guy. Frank Underwood played by the brilliant Kevin Spacey is a political figure unlike we have ever seen represented. And he loves to monologue at the camera. So what if other presidents were more like him? Well, as you can […]

The Exceptional Beauty of Doom 3’s Source Code

Doom 3 was not only great fun to play, but for the time, was an absolute marvel to look at. Truth is, the Xbox version still holds up visually to some of the better games from the last generation. This is coming solely from a video game player. But Kotaku had a developer come in […]