The End of a Bitter Dispute: Netflix Comes To Comcast Cable Boxes

Comcast says its next generation of cable boxes will include a Netflix streaming app. The deal appears to end a bitter dispute between the two companies over net neutrality issues. The streaming will be available through the X1 platform, which will include a unified search tool (covering Live TV, DVR recordings and On Demand content) […]

Free eManual: Ransomware Hostage Rescue Manual for IT Pros

For today’s free eBook, get the Ransomware Hostage Rescue Manual for IT Pros for free! Being in IT I’m sure you know someone who’s been hit with ransomware or you have been though it yourself. Wouldn’t it be great to have a manual of what to do when you get hit and how to prevent […]

Google Wants Emoji To Inspire Female Careers

Google has proposed 13 new emoji characters to show both women and men in professional roles. It says the aim is “highlighting the diversity of women’s careers and empowering girls everywhere.” A recent update to Unicode, the standardized system for computerized characters including emoji, allowed for an easier way for customizing existing emojis of humans […]