US To Give Up Final Say On Domain Name System

The US government will give up control of the internet’s domain name system on October 1. Itโ€™s a largely symbolic move at this point though has provoked some political criticism. Since 1988, DNS โ€“ translating web addresses to IP addresses โ€“ has been overseen by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. Thatโ€™s a department of the […]

Ice Bucket Challenge Pays Off Big Time

The ALS Association says the money raised by the ‘ice bucket challenge’ craze has helped researchers identify a gene that contributes to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. That could provide a new route for providing therapy for the incurable disease. ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. […]

Digital Copyright Law Could Be Challenged

One of the key elements of US copyright law in the digital age may be challenged in the Supreme Court. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) claims the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) breaches the first amendment. The DMCA, introduced in 1998, includes a controversial measure that reads “No person shall circumvent a technological measure that […]

Social Media Users: Connect With Us! (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest)

Did you know that just like everyone and their mother these days, we here at [GAS] have an account on almost all major social media sites on the Web? So if you’re not already following us via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram, here are the links to our profiles on each of these sites: Geeks […]

The End of a Bitter Dispute: Netflix Comes To Comcast Cable Boxes

Comcast says its next generation of cable boxes will include a Netflix streaming app. The deal appears to end a bitter dispute between the two companies over net neutrality issues. The streaming will be available through the X1 platform, which will include a unified search tool (covering Live TV, DVR recordings and On Demand content) […]