Is there any real monetary value in a social networking account?

By Mark O’Neill I am closely monitoring an online conversation today over a Twitter user’s decision to sell his account on eBay.   This has raised the following questions – is a Twitter account worth anything financially?   Is the guy betraying his “followers” by selling their loyalties and direct private messages to someone else?   Thirdly, is […]

When April Fool’s Jokes Infiltrate Wikipedia

By Patrick Biz Contributing Writer, [GAS] A lot of people are saying that Wikipedia is loaded with errors, and for good reason. Wikipedia contributors aren’t forced to verify their sources before posting anything, but if they were, it would greatly improve the quality of the online encyclopedia. Here’s a very good example of such a […]

Hackers attack epileptic forum and make sufferers convulse

By Mark O’Neill In what is being described as the first attack over the internet to cause immediate direct physical harm, hackers have caused an unknown number of epileptic sufferers to suffer seizures by hacking into an epileptic support forum and leaving flashing animation screens. The flashing screens, made with javascript code, would then adversely […]

Gmail & Outlook Synchronization Service launched

By Mark O’Neill Mr William Gates is probably cursing in his Cheerios at the moment. A company called Cemaphore Systems has announced the launch of a new product that will allow Gmail users to completely do away with their Microsoft Exchange servers and run Microsoft Outlook directly from Google servers instead. Called Mailshadow for Google […]

Psychiatrist pushes for internet mental illness recognition

By Mark O’Neill Bad news geeks. A psychiatrist is pushing for internet addiction – “excessive gaming, sexual pre-occupations and e-mail/text messaging” – to be classified as a mental illness which means the most serious cases could warrant medication or even a stay in a hospital, like all those gamers in China.   Do you get broadband […]

Save us from the freaky evil FriendFeed!

By Mark O’Neill

Sometimes I don’t know why I bother with all the technophobes of this world.

I’ve been working on the internet exclusively for the past two years now. This makes for some very interesting conversation at dinner parties when someone asks me what I “do”. I’m sure you’ve had the same problem explaining what you do for a job. You have the doctor explaining the latest rectal examination technique, the lawyer bragging about the latest billion dollar lawsuit they’ve just won, the businessman giving you the ups and downs of the NASDAQ…..then they turn to me and I start talking about the unfairness of the new Digg algorithim. Is it me or is everyone fidgeting? Why is that woman looking at her watch? Why is the lawyer holding the butter knife as if he wants to use it as a murder weapon?