Visit Disney World in Google Earth

By Mark O’Neill

I went to Disney World today – well not the real Disney World, rather I went to the online digital version, courtesy of Google Earth. Not as good as the real thing obviously but it’s as near as I’m ever going to get to it. The Google Earth version doesn’t give you the chance to sit on Mickey Mouse’s knee (although I am rather partial to Minnie myself).

The online version of Disney World comes courtesy of the latest version of Google Earth and I have to admit it’s not bad. It didn’t have me jumping up and down for joy but then again I’m not five years old either. The graphics were pretty good and smooth and by clicking on Mickey’s ears, you could go to different areas of the park. But the big downside was that Google Earth was chewing up huge amounts of my CPU (300,000K +) which meant I had to shut down everything else to keep it going. I seriously hope the CPU thing was a temporary glitch otherwise this visit will be a one-off!

Feeling Sick? Time To Visit Doctor Google

By Mark O’Neill

Google have announced their latest project – Google Health – which is a service where you can have your entire medical history uploaded into your Google account. But before you start hyper-ventilating, Google has promised that everything in your medical records will be password-protected and therefore will not be publicly indexed in Google Search (I certainly hope not!).

The whole theory behind Google Health is that wherever you go in the world, your medical history will follow you. I mean, how many times have you relocated to another part of the country or another country altogether and your medical records have been lost? Mine have been lost more times than I care to remember so Google Health wants to help people keep their records in the one place, fully organized and fully digitized. Never again will they go missing.

Could Wikia Search be a serious rival to Google?

By Mark O’Neill

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is hoping that the Wikipedia magic will rub off on his latest project – to build a user community “wiki” search engine – unimaginatively called “Wikia Search“.

The search engine has been in existence for quite a while. I have had an beta invite to look at it and poke around at it with others but yesterday marked the first time that anyone could participate without an invite. In fact, before today, I hadn’t taken a look at the search engine in quite a while and I was really pleasantly surprised at how far the project had come. But after putting in a few search terms, it’s clear the search engine still needs a lot of work done to it.

New Technology Hides Messages in Internet Phone Calls

By JR Raphael Contributing Writer, [GAS] A couple of Polish scientists have come up with a way to encode secret messages within the data of internet-based VoIP calls. The men, from the Institute of Telecommunications in Warsaw, designed a steganographic system — a special kind of code that allows content to be encrypted inside of […] – prudent investment or worthless?

By Mark O’Neill While Senator Barack Obama FINALLY moves towards to the Democratic presidential nomination and the TV talking heads speculate endlessly about his Vice-Presidential running mate, one domain name reseller has already decided who it will be – and he’s got the domain up for sale on eBay for a bargain basement $5000. Don […]