What Does #080808 Mean to You? [Twitter Culture]

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] Does it mean athletic competition, international relations, or human rights issues? What is this mysterious numeric sequence? Well, if you’re a Twitter user, it’s a special tag that lets you join in on a unique global campaign. Today Twitter recognized the #080808 movement that has suddenly popped up all […]

“Anonymous” Rallies for a Second Assault on Scientology

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] It would seem to most casual surfers of the Internet that the battle that once roared between The “Church” of Scientology and the group called “Anonymous” all but fizzled out.  While Guy Fawkes mask-wearing protesters are still occasionally sighted outside of Dianetics centers, the oddly named group doesn’t make […]

How To Upgrade WordPress Using Subversion

What is Subversion? Overview Subversion is a version control system that makes it easy to get the latest version of files, or go back to previous versions. It is used by many different pieces of open source software and has been around since 2000. Subversion is considered the successor to the Concurrent Versions System. To […]

New British government committee may police the Internet

By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] In what goes to prove that the British really do have a sense of humour, it has been recommended that a government committee be set up to protect Internet users from nasty people online such as abusive bloggers.   Hey you…..f**king read this OK?   I’m putting a lot of damn […]