Scripting Languages and the Web

By Sterling “Chip” Camden Contributing Writer, [GAS] When Tim Berners-Lee first proposed the “Mesh” (later renamed to the World Wide Web) to CERN back in 1989, the concept was much simpler than it has become today.  The problem Berners-Lee sought to solve was how to establish links between the massive number of related documents generated world-wide by […]

Get a Special Preview of the Ninja Handbook!

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you love podcasts as much as I do, you’re probably already familiar with Ask A Ninja.  The Ninja’s helpful tips on how to survive everything from college life to meeting women always work really well for me.  Or rather they would if those tips didn’t result in one […]

Dot Matrix Revolution: A Brief History of Computing

So, you’ve always wanted to learn everything about the history of computing, but never had the time to do so? Fear not my friends, the “SuperBrothers” have cooked up a cool little music video explaning the whole thing in under 4 minutes. Following an early morning status check of their vintage electronic equipment, two computer […]

Italian legal ruling suggests ALL Italian blogs are illegal

By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] An Italian judge has used a 1948 law to convict a local historian and author of the crime of “stampa clandestina”.   This is basically the crime of running a newspaper without first officially registering with the local authorities.   But by convicting him, the judge has also opened the door […]