“Twitter is being used by vegetarians” says US military

By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] The US military has concluded in a report that the online microblogging service, Twitter, could end up being used by terrorists to organise an attack or to communicate covertly with one another. “Twitter has become a social activism tool for socialists, human rights groups, communists, vegetarians, anarchists, religious communities, […]

MTV and MySpace Turn Piracy Into Pennies

by Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] You know what they say… when you’ve got lemons, turn them into lemonade. And when you’ve got rampant video piracy, find a way to milk some ad revenue out of it. The “fingerprint” technology that we’ve been hearing about from YouTube is making its way in some form to […]

Did You Survive The War of the Worlds 2.0? #wotw2

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you were on Twitter yesterday, you might have noticed a flood of tweets with a mysterious “#wotw2” code in them.  Well that was a “hash tag” or “hash code” you were seeing there and those tweets were completely fictional. The fake tweets were all on account of War […]

Let Current, Twitter, and Digg Guide Your Election Night Antics

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you’ve been following the election recently and happen to be a geek, odds are you get a bit of your news coverage from social networks.  Well on November 4th, two of those networks, Digg and Twitter, will be coming together on Current TV to bring you an election […]

Grab the Knife and Get Carving, Geek Style

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] Do you need to geek up your Halloween festivities?  Why not look to the most classic of all Halloween traditions…the pumpkin! This ungodly looking creature is actually a replica of “The Predator” carved onto the face of a pumpkin.  Created by Villafane Studios, it is a true pumpkin masterpiece, […]