Katie Couric Explains the 1-2-3 of romantic texting

Personally, I’m not from the “texting” generation, so this doesn’t really apply to me, but what about you, younger [GAS] readers? Have you ever used texting to declare your love to someone, or in the opposite extreme, dump someone to avoid a potentially disastrous situation? The comments section is open for your stories.

First impressions: Lunascape5 Genesis Browser Alpha Release

Do you have too many browsers installed already?  Well, today I’m test-driving yet another browser from a Japanese startup named Lunascape (I’m not really sure what to call this product, they sometimes refer to it as “Genesis”, but mostly they just call it Lunascape).  Where did they get that name, I wonder?  It sounds like […]

The Guild Teams Up with Microsoft for Season 2

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] The Guild, the MMORPG-themed web series spearheaded by geek goddess Felicia Day, is gearing up for its second season. However, rather than new episodes airing on YouTube, they will be showing up exclusively on XBox Live, Zune, and MSN Video. That’s right, they’re teaming up with Microsoft, which is […]