The Inauguration – Digital Style

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] Since the last national swearing-in ceremony, America has become a much more net-centric country.  Obama’s inauguration was not only watched by a large portion of the US, but by millions (perhaps billions?) in countries all over the world.  For this reason, the people on the scene wielding the tech were […]

Let Historical Tweets Take You Back in Time!

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] Don’t worry, this isn’t some archival service that will tell you what some user said two years ago.  Historical Tweets is a blog that displays one historically important (and ficticious) tweet every day!  According to the site:  “Books have been ruining history. So many unnecessary words.  Now, with Historical Tweets, history’s most […]

Has Tower Defense Evolved?

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you’ve ever explored the world of Flash games for any period of time, you’ve probably run across Tower Defense, or “TD” as it’s commonly called.  The premise of the game is to kill all the “creeps” (or monsters) before they get through your maze.  You have towers that shoot […]

Burn 10 Facebook friends to cook up a free Whopper

It’s a new year, and chances are that at least some of you have made a resolution to avoid fast food or red meat.  Burger King knows this, and they’re apparently seeking to head off this mass migration towards healthiness by offering an alternative resolution:  delete 10 of your Facebook friends instead, and they’ll give you […]

Yelp review spurs test case for online defamation

By Sterling “Chip” Camden Contributing Writer, [GAS] Popular review site Yelp is a great place to get that anger off your chest about how you were treated by a crappy, overpriced restaurant or any other vendor/service provider, but a lawsuit filed last February may chill out some of those heated reviews in the future. Christopher […]

2008 Weblog Awards – [GAS] Nominated as best tech blog!

To our surprise (and very appreciative amazement!), some kind soul has nominated GAS for the 2008 weblog award. Best of all, [GAS] was selected as one of the top 10 best tech blogs for this year’s edition. Unfortunately, there can only be one grand winner, and we’re running up against some very stiff competition. If […]

Inside ThinkGeek – Exclusive Interview

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] Today we have a very special presentation for you. ThinkGeek, known far and wide for their wonderful geek gear, has been extremely secretive about their inner workings.  That is… until now. Geeks Are Sexy was given exclusive access to the ThinkGeek headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia and sat down with John […]

Gamers Still Love Their Playstation 2

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Nielson’s 2008 Trend Summary reveals some interesting data in its gaming top ten lists. It seems that despite the fuss over next-gen consoles these past two years, people still spend more time with Playstation 2’s than any other gaming console. Based on usage minutes, the PS2 nearly doubles the […]

Roku Review – Bringing Netflix to your TV

My wife bought me a Roku for Christmas, which is a player that lets us instantly watch Netflix movie and television shows on our 57-inch LCD Samsung HDTV. I heard of Roku almost a year ago, but it had slipped my mind. So when I was opening the gift, my initial thought was that this […]