iPhone App Vetting Still a Lottery

Apple’s iPhone app vetting has taken another knock with one product removed to avoid a lawsuit and another accepted after initially being banned for spurious reasons. The changes come as bloggers note that iPhone app developers have the chance to outperform Google – but at the same time stand little chance of making much cash. […]

Wolfram|Alpha: truly amazing, but no Google slayer yet

By Sterling “Chip” Camden Contributing Writer, [GAS] Today marks the official launch date of Wolfram|Alpha, a “computational knowledge engine” from Wolfram Research.  The stated goal of Wolfram|Alpha is “to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone.”  Simplistically, you ask it a question and it gives you the answer – along with a […]

CapCal: Web Performance Testing From the Lab to the Cloud

By Sterling “Chip” Camden Contributing Writer, [GAS] The term “cloud computing” has entered that phase of the buzzword life-cycle in which everyone is talking about it, few people are doing anything with it, and most people’s understanding of what it means is, at best, cloudy (sorry). Those who do understand cloud computing usually think of […]

Blogs & the Life of Journalism: Welcome to the Jungle

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Query: What separates man from ape? Perhaps the same thing that separates journalist from blogger. In his 2007 book The Cult of the Amateur, Andrew Keen analogized T.H. Huxley’s “infinite monkey theorem” to the rise of Web 2.0. If you provide infinite monkeys with infinite typewriters, one of them […]

Betweeted Brings Ads to Twitter Without Spamming

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Twitter has been a monetization puzzle for many because it possesses enormous popularity and “mindshare” among the internet savvy, but does not present any straightforward way to make money.  Attempts have been made to market through tweets or through the background wallpapers, but neither of these have been very […]