Virtual Medicine: Informed Consent in Second Life

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] According to The Economist, the virtual world Second Life might be a new way to help those with learning disabilities understand (and therefore provide informed consent for) medical procedures and treatment options. A model of the Royal Sussex County Hospital is being built, where the avatars of study participants […]

Use FeedMingle To Put Together An Awesome MashUp Of Feeds

Have you ever thought that it would be really cool if you could combine multiple RSS or Atom feeds into a single feed? I have, and I now know that it’s possible with an awesome cross-platform web application called FeedMingle, available at For years now I’ve relied on my RSS feeds for getting news […]

BitBlinder May Provide the Privacy Pirates Seek

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] It seems that every time a new technology comes out, we hear about a special “secure” version of that technology close on its heels.  First we had HTTP, followed by HTTPS.  Similarly, a lot of protocols like IM, VOIP, and FTP have secure or encrypted versions of themselves. […]

Chinese internet filter provokes domestic web protest

Chinese internet users are planning a one-day boycott of the web on July 1st to draw attention to the introduction of the controversial government-mandated internet filter on all new machines. The boycott has a high-profile supporter in Ai Weiwei (pictured), who helped design the Bird’s Nest stadium used in last year’s Beijing Summer Olympics. Writing […]

$222,000 filesharing fine leaps to $1.92 million in new trial

When Jammie Thomas-Rasset (pictured) was granted a retrial in the first (and to date only) US federal filesharing copyright case, she was likely relieved that it put aside her original punishment of a $222,000 fine. After the court ruled against her in the new case, that relief will be utterly shattered. Jammie Thomas-Rasset, found guilty […]

Opera Unite — should be “Untie”?

By Sterling “Chip” Camden Contributing Writer, [GAS] Well, paint me in a two-tone pattern of “smug” and “disappointed”.  I correctly predicted that Opera’s self-styled “reinvention of the web” would have something to do with breaking the traditional model of web client/server that we’ve all come to know and curse.  But their execution on that grand […]