Browser benchmark update: Lunascape 5.1.2

By Sterling “Chip” Camden Contributing Writer, [GAS] On July 2, Lunascape (the browser that offers three different rendering engines) officially released version 5.1, and then followed that up on July 15 with version 5.1.2.  We reviewed the alpha and beta versions earlier.  Since we recently benchmarked JavaScript performance for the other major browsers, let’s catch […]

[GAS] Explains: Music Royalties for Dummies

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Considering how much “education” about music and copyright is out there (“downloading music is stealing!” ads and the like), most people have no idea how it actually works in terms of who owns what and who should get money from what kind of use. And lately, with issues like […]

US State Department Thinks Firefox is Too Expensive

In the following video, a women asks Hillary Clinton why the US State Department staff cannot use Firefox, even though the browser is completely free and was approved for the “entire intelligence community.” The answer? Deploying and maintaining the browser is “too expensive.” The only reason I can think of as to why they would […]

Google Makes Creative Commons That Much More Easy

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you’ve ever written a blog post or made a website, one of the most onerous tasks is finding good graphics without copy protection.  Text-only content is generally frowned upon because the increased popularity of the internet has somewhat “raised the bar” for the average blogger.  Readers expect […]

Pandora celebrates as online radio escapes royalty devastation

Online music site Pandora has been saved from closure after the music and internet industries finally reached a deal over royalty rates. It’s a major boost for the online radio industry, though there’s still a significant disparity between online and over-the-air radio. Online radio in the US is governed by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act […]