Internet helps, not hinders, social networks

New communications technologies, such as the Internet and mobile phones, have not made people less social, according to a study from the Pew Internet and American Life Project. While the number of people the average person interacts with has declined, the internet isn’t necessarily the cause, and the theory that social isolation has tripled in […] Gets a Facelift, Ten Years Later (Still Looks Five Years Older)

(Note: So, clearly, as pointed out in the comments, I reviewed the wrong site, and not the revamped one. I missed the fact that the site was being previewed and not entirely launched, which explains some of the non-streamlining… hehe. Entirely my oversight, and likely due to the fact I’ve been sick for over a […]

Amazon PayPhrase offers alternative payment service login

By Sterling “Chip” Camden Contributing Writer, [GAS] Amazon Payments, a subsidiary of Amazon that competes with PayPal and Google Checkout, announced a new service called PayPhrase that allows you to make purchases online using only a phrase and a PIN. “That’s so much easier than remembering a username and password,” I hear you snark.  Or […]

Google gets social with new search refinement

Google has begun experimenting with a feature to customize search results to reflect your online social network. The idea is to give extra weight to information and opinions from people who you have already formed an online relationship with such as friends and colleagues. The new Social Search feature will take particular account of posts […]

Facebook tweaks policies to deal with member deaths

Facebook is to launch a scheme allowing the pages of users who have passed away to be reclassified as a memorial. It’s designed to cut down on inappropriate automated messages but may also limit media intrusion. The issue has come to prominence recently after the site tweaked its “Suggestions” panel. Previously this displayed details of […]