10 Things People Need To Stop Tweeting About
[Via MUO | TheOatmeal]
[Via MUO | TheOatmeal]
Unless you’ve prevented their updates from appearing on your facebook home page, you probably get spammed by Zynga and their stupid games almost every day. And now even those who were bright enough to stop Zynga from spamming them online will have to endure seeing the company’s marketing material at their local 7-Eleven convenience stores. […]
If Facebook was a country, it would be the 3rd most populous in the world right after China and India. Hit the jump for a bunch of other facts on “The Facebook Economy.”
Yes, it’s true. Holy crap! Woot has signed an agreement with Amazon – yes, the Amazon – to become an independent subsidiary of the ecommerce colossus. Woot HQ will remain in Carrollton, Texas, and will operate as autonomously as other Amazon companies like Zappos and Audible. More details forthcoming after we pick our eyeballs up […]
Most people realize that some passwords are harder to guess than others. But a new online tool allows you to see just how much variation there is. The appropriately named www.howsecureismypassword.net has a single, simple purpose: you type in your password and the site tells you how long it would take a desktop PC to […]
Sentiment analysis is tricky anyway, even with thousands of words to mine for “positive” or “negative” indicators and top-notch machine learning and natural language researchers on the case. Of course, distilling a sample down into 140 characters or less suddenly makes that tricky problem much trickier – which is why sentiment analysis for Twitter is […]
Yes, we’ve posted about a few Facebook movie spoofs in the past. But this time, we’re talking about the real deal. Here’s the the first trailer for Columbia Picture’s upcoming Facebook movie: “The Social Network”. The production is directed by American filmmaker David Fincher and will hit the big screen sometime in October 2010. Enjoy!
Online freedoms appear to be under threat across the world — with the exception of Australia where a national Internet filter has been shelved. The European Parliament has voted to approve a call for search engines to keep records of all online activity (in the same way as internet service providers), a move billed as […]
The rise of Facebook and MySpace has brought with it a rise in “Social Gaming” – free to play games, often played by “casual gamers.” While these players do not spend money on platforms or subscriptions, they spend small dollards buying virtual goods. When you have a user base of 235 million, the little stuff […]
Can you remember the last time you used a phone book? I know I can’t! [Via TechEblog]