The Could-Have-Been Facebook Love Story
There’s something kind of sad about this video which shows how electronic conversations discourages all traces of spontenaity from human interactions. Don’t you agree? [Via MUO]
There’s something kind of sad about this video which shows how electronic conversations discourages all traces of spontenaity from human interactions. Don’t you agree? [Via MUO]
Apple receives a level of media coverage that could be argued as disproportionate according a new report. (And yes, we at GeeksAreSexy are aware of the irony involved in covering this report and giving the company even more publicity!) The Pew Research Center looked through 437 tech stories across 11 newspapers, three cable news channels, […]
For the first time ever, 26-year-old Mark Zuckerberg, the multi-billionaire founder of Facebook, invited cameras inside his modest home, which surprisingly, isn’t even his. Check it out:
About 20,000 light years from the Sun, right near the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy, sits V838 Monocerotis, a red variable star. Does it remind you of something? Of course it does: it resembles one of the world’s most famous Internet browser: FireFox. This shot was taken by the Hubble space telescope on February […]
Sweden’s Pirate Party has failed to repeat its success in last year’s European elections in this month’s poll for Sweden’s own parliament. Its vote collapsed to roughly a sixth of its total last year, prompting debate on what caused the apparent huge drop in support. Last summer the party — which campaigns for reforms of […]
Mozilla Labs has just released this interest video showing the Mozilla Seabird, a concept phone featuring an 8 Megapixel camera, an embedded Bluetooth dongle, wireless charging, and dual side pico projectors. Check it out, the thing looks pretty darn sexy. [Via Gizmodo]
The BBC is reporting that Google has released a “Transparency Report” which shows censorship levels around the globe, releasing details about how often countries around the world ask for identifying user data or to censor information. Currently, the United States leads the running in user information requests, with 4287 such requests, but Brazil leads in […]
If you’re a Twitter user, it’s best to steer clear of the main site for the time being. A cross-site scripting error has led to everything from whimsical fun and games to full-on hacking attempts. The site itself hasn’t been hacked as such, but users both fair and foul have been exploiting a flaw that allows […]
The city of Chattanooga has beaten Google to provide a 1 gigabit broadband service. But while Google is planning to one day offer such services at rates comparable to “regular” broadband, the Chattanooga deal is available today for an eyewatering $350 per month. The service comes from the publicly owned Chattanooga Electric Power Board and […]
A tech writer has put together a five-year history of the Iraq war. But James Bridle’s publication does not cover the military conflict: instead it’s a complete record of the Wikipedia page on the topic. The idea of the project, which Bridle describes as a “historiography”, is to highlight the effects caused by the fact […]