Category Archives: Web
Return of the Geeky Google Ngrams
Last week we introduced the Google Books Ngram viewer, which shows how often particular phrases were mentioned in books over time. Now we’re bringing you some more attempts to see what history can tell us. Star Wars vs. Star Trek First up, we have “Star Wars” vs “Star Trek” (1975-2008), which tells us three things. […]
The Digital Story of the Nativity [Video]
The story of the nativity as told though Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Wikipedia, Google Maps, GMail, Foursquare and Amazon. Enjoy! Thanks Nicolas!
Skype recovering, but Xmas calls could still suffer
Skype says it has restored service to around 10 million customers, leaving up to 15 million more still unable to sign in. The company notes that even those who do get back online may find that it takes time after signing to show up as “online”, and instant messaging might not be quite so instant. […]
WikiLeaks Publishes Santa’s Naughty List
WikiLeaks is at it again. No playground is safe this Christmas.
Facebook Profile Picture Hack Tutorial [Video]
A simple step by step guide to making yourself a really cool Facebook profile!
Humanity is DOOMED [Pic]
Believe it or not, this is a REAL book, and when people start buying books like these, you know there’s just no more hope left for humanity. [Farmville for Dummies @]
Deleting your Online Profiles [Comic]
[Source: Abstruse Goose | Via TDW]
Epic Google Docs Animation [Video]
No animation software, no high-tech hardware, nothing but Google Docs! [Via Drawn]
Facebook Checks Out Some Familiar Faces
Facebook has introduced a facial recognition tool to make image suggestion easier. But it’s prompted warnings over privacy settings and further calls to change the balance towards user confidentiality. The new tool builds on a previous change allowing users to select multiple images with the same person in and tag them all at once, rather […]