Search Rankings Mystery: The Penney Drops

Google has cracked down on what has been described as the most ambitious attempt to unfairly influence its search rankings. And the offender? J.C. Penney. An online search expert says the retail store benefited from a mass-scale exploitation of one of the key elements of Google’s ranking: inbound links. While the exact algorithm Google uses […]

Employee sacked for Facebook comment claims victory

An employee sacked for making critical comments about a supervisor on Facebook has reached a settlement over the dismissal. But the deal means the case stopped short of a legal ruling on the subject. The case involved Dawnmarie Souza who worked for the ambulance organization American Medial Response of Connecticut. She was suspended and then […]

US Army warns: Tweet with care

America’s enemies include those who are “trolling social networks, blogs and forums,” a new Army document claims. But don’t worry: leaving snarky comments won’t get you an early hours visit from the Green Berets. Trolling in this sense refers to foreign operatives reading through such sites for information that could compromise military security. The warning […]

Amazon preparing unlimited streaming deal?

Amazon is reportedly set to challenge Netflix’s dominance of online movies by offering an all-you-can-stream package. After several rumors along those lines (which were slightly muddied by contrasting rumors that Amazon wanted to buy out Netflix), one Engadget reader has produced a screenshot of what appears to be a case of Amazon letting the cat […]