LIKELIGHT: A LEGO Facebook “Like” Icon That Lights Up When Someone Likes a Page

To be put in the “cool but useless” category: A real LEGO Facebook “Like” icon that lights up whenever someone like a page of your choosing. I certainly wouldn’t want to set this up to be synced with our facebook fan page, because at 170,000 fans and growing, it would keep me up all night! […]

WTF?: The Chronicles of Rick Roll [Video]

This, ladies and gentlegeeks, is apparently the trailer for an upcoming full-length movie, which will star Antoine Dodson (Bed Intruder Song), Bear Vasquez (Double Rainbow), Ben Schulz (Leeroy Jenkins), Brian Collins (Boom Goes The Dynamite), Stephen & Jack Quire (Freakout Kid and Brother), and Gary Brolsma (The Numa Numa guy). The world is coming to […]