@BrentSpiner: Embiggening YouTube’s Awesomeness

Brent Spiner, portrayer of Star Trek TNG’s Commander Data and that one long-haired scientist from “Independence Day,” has been hanging around on Twitter for quite some time. Increasing his real estate on teh interntz, he just launched a web series over on YouTube called “Fresh Hell.” The first episode, clocking in at just over three […]

A Guinness Book Nod for Greenpeace [Video]

Who has the most Facebook comments in a 24-hour period, ever? That’d be global watchdog, Greenpeace. Their recent campaign to garner comments on the Greenpeace fan page to raise awareness of Facebook’s uncleanliness logged over 50,000 comments in just over 11 hours–a number which is, according to the folks at Guinness Book of World Records, a […]

Happy Birthday, the Internet!

On April 7, 1969, RFC 1 was distributed on the spankin’-new ARPANET by Steve Crocker of UCLA. Today, the RFC is the official publication channel for the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), and the global community of computer network researchers. ARPANET would later be incorporated with other networks to giveth life […]