Set up hot keys without any added software on Windows XP or better.

It’s very annoying and counter productive for your hands to leave the keyboard as you use your mouse to click, click, clickity click click away at something. Join the ranks of power users to add keyboard shortcuts for every computer task you do. Yup any task! Built into Windows is the ability to let you […]

MonitorES Helps You Save Energy, Money and Time!

This incredibly small  98.2kb file will allow you to automagically power off your display when you lock your computer. It also does a bunch of other things, including muting your master volume and setting your status on IM clients to “away.” The full list of features is as follows: Automatically turn off monitor Automatically pause […]

Science is Sexy: Will the Large Hadron Collider Blow Us Up?

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Maybe you’ve heard about the recent controversy over the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva.  This device, probably the most complex machine ever devised by man, has been the focus of much debate because of its potential to do two things. Be an enormous waste of money Create a black […]

[GAS] Resource Center: Free IT and Business Books Summaries

We have an amazing offer for you guys today. In partnership with tradepub, the folks who help us with our IT resources center, we can now offer you access to a multitude of free IT and business-related books summaries. A Summary isn’t merely a digest or excerpts strung together. It’s a seamless document that reads […]

An introduction to SpiceWorks: The free and awesome way to manage your network

I use SpiceWorks 3.5 to document and manage a lot of functions on my network. The best part about it is that it is free! I don’t know why so many administrators refuse to document their networks. Maybe they feel it helps their job security, but in the long run, this can become quite a […]

HOW TO: Reset your Lost 2003 Active Directory Admin Password

AskTheAdmin is back again with another “how to” for the GAS readers. Today’s tutorial will be covering a technique that will allow you to reset your lost 2003 Active Directory Administrator Password. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us and you are not alone. I have never had this happen to me in […]