Book review: Upgrade your life by Gina Trapani

What is a hacker? Unfortunately, to most people, it’s a person who breaks into another person’s computer (or a nuclear command center if you’re making a movie.) But to Gina Trapani, it’s anyone who finds an unconventional way of doing things. That’s the philosophy of her site Lifehacker (which is a totally awesome site, if […]

Forget the iPad, This 1984 Macintosh Runs OS X Snow Leopard

Now this is hard core geek awesome. As a long-time Mac user, myself, I was absolutely floored by this Instructables piece by gmjhowe. Here were his guidelinesโ€”the end result is nothing short of gorgeous: 1.ย  Do not alter, cut, deform, change, or break the original Mac in anyway, I wanted to be able to return […]

The Science Behind Washing Dishes, or Washing Dishes the Geek Way

Dishwashing (or washing up, depending on your location), while a calming and meditative time for some, is not everybody’s idea of fun. But fortunately it offers two factors which should appeal to any geeks: science and logic. Whether you’ve been taught by a kindly relative, discovered it from trial and error, or resorted to a […]

A Date with a Dragon Down the Carpal Tunnel

So you might have noticed that I’ve gone quiet the last couple of weeks. All signals have been cut, so to speak, since I’ve got the geeky equivalent of a mogul skier’s torn ACL: that is, carpal tunnel syndrome (or, perhaps, RSI). It blows. In every respect it sucks. It’s all-encompassing pain, and it’s a […]

10 steps to a better IT support process

As an IT professional, you need to have a structured mind in order to think through all the possible problematic situations that can present themselves on a day to day basis. And after having worked in IT for a while, I’ve developed a certain methodology that can help you solve most problems quickly and effectively. […]