IT Horror Stories: Upgrading got you down? Don’t let the bugs win! (Sponsored by Canon)

This post is sponsored by the new Canon imageCLASS MF800 Series color printers, designed to help you get through IT. With features like a remote user interface (for control) and a 3.5” color LCD touch screen (for efficiency), imageCLASS printers give your office the type of reliable output and efficiency you demand from your printer – giving SYSADMINS […]

Chart Shows You How To Win on Jeopardy

  Nathan Yau over FlowingData looked at all the daily double placements over all 31 seasons of this historic game show and worked out an average to where the daily doubles usually fall on Jeopardy. We are not saying you use this chart and get on Jeopardy you could leave a millionaire. We are telling you […]

Photomath: The App That Does Your Math For You

I look at the Photomath app, and I get very sad. Not that it will make future generations stupid or any such nonsense. No, I am mad that it didn’t exist while I struggled through algebra. That was essentially a semester I spent barely treading water, and knowing this would exist one day would’ve eased […]

For the Adventurous: Mix Your Coke with Milk Because Science

So there is a ‘thing’ going around the interwebz right now about mixing coke with milk and what happens as a result. I, myself, am not sure it is something I would ever want to do, but apparently it is the “Coke and Mentos” of 2015. It is a reaction of the Phosphoric Acid contained […]

The Exceptional Beauty of Doom 3’s Source Code

Doom 3 was not only great fun to play, but for the time, was an absolute marvel to look at. Truth is, the Xbox version still holds up visually to some of the better games from the last generation. This is coming solely from a video game player. But Kotaku had a developer come in […]

The Truth as to Whether or Not You Can Die From Sleep Deprivation

Many have wondered, many have spoken about it, but few know. Can sleep deprivation get so bad that it actually kills someone? All I can tell you before you read the article is, if you have sleep deprivation, stop reading now. This is NOT going to bring you any peace of mind (which might be […]