FREE eBook: Troubleshooting and Maintaining Your PC All-in-One For Dummies ($16 Value)

Need a PC problem fixed in a pinch? Troubleshooting & Maintaining Your PC All-in-One For Dummies offers 5 books in 1 and takes the pain out of wading through those incomprehensible manuals, or waiting for a high-priced geek to show up days or weeks after you need them. A value of $16 now free for […]

The Queen of Shitty Robots Goes to TED: Why You Should Make Useless Things

Back in April 2018, Simone Giertz, who is affectionnaly named “The Queen of Shitty Robots” by the whole Internet, has given a TED talk on why you should make useless things. Simone is one of the person I admire the most online: she’s funny, witty, and her inventions, which are not always very useful, encourage […]

DEAL: Save BIG on The Complete Adobe CC Training Bundle (7 Courses) (95% OFF!)

Get to Grips with Photoshop, InDesign, After Effects & More with 65 Hours & 200 Tutorials on the Adobe Creative Cloud! Just $29.00 for this awesome online course instead of $673! What’s included: -Adobe Photoshop: Beginner to Advanced -Adobe Illustrator: Beginner to Advanced -Adobe InDesign: Beginner to Advanced -Adobe Flash & Animate: Beginner to Advanced […]

Anywhere Tools: The Ultimate Modular Set of Tech & Tools for Geeks!

A few years ago, the folks from Keyport released their awesome key organizer, which was a hit right away, and now, they’re back with a new product: The Anywhere set of modular tools! Behold: Anywhere Tools is a major addition to Keyport’s modular everyday carry system by introducing a series of new tech and tool […]

How to Make a Simple Mechanical Robotic Hand From Cardboard

Interested in trying your hand at making a mechanical robotic hand using materials (cardboard and glue) that are easily available everywhere? Youtuber SKM has a fun video that will teach you just that! Just watch the tutorial below and use the templates that are available at this link, and you’ll soon have your very own […]