How You Doing? Researchers Work On Animated Joey-Bot

Researchers are trying to create a digital version of Joey Tribbiani (From Friends) that can speak automatically generated dialogue in Matt LeBlanc’s voice. The ultimate goal is to have automated Friends characters converse and generate new scenes. Unfortunately both the dialog and the way it’s overlaid on video footage of the Joey character are, to […]

DS Meets Wii U in New Nintendo Switch Console

Nintendo has unveiled its next handheld console, the Nintendo Switch. It’s a modular design that can be taken apart to switch between playing on a TV screen and handheld play. The Switch appears to be the device that Nintendo had been trailing as the NX. The promotional video shows it as coming in five parts: […]

NFL Coach: I’m Done With Tablets

New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick says he’s done using tablets at pitchside. He’ll be returning to using paper to plan plays, saying the tech is too unreliable Speaking on a conference call, Belichick discussed the use of technology in the game. This includes Microsoft Surface tablets that are provided to all teams as […]

Dr Watson Will See You Now In Latest IBM AI Deployment

IBM’s artificial intelligence system Watson is to turn its hand to diagnosing rare diseases in a German hospital. The aim is to combine human-like analytical skills with the sheer speed and capacity of computers. Watson shot to fame after comfortably defeating two champions at Jeopardy!, a game that appeared a particular challenge for computers as […]

Tesla Told To Ditch ‘Autopilot’ Name

German officials have told Tesla to stop using the term ‘Autopilot’ for its driver assistance tools. It argues the name gives a false impression of how little attention users can pay while driving with the feature. Rather than being a full-blown autonomous/self-driving vehicle system, Autopilot is more of an enhanced version of established features such […]

Short Term Memory Boosts Google Learning AI

Google has tweaked its “deep learning” AI to use an external memory bank. It’s an attempt to replicate the way human brains use short term memory to simplify reasoning. The company demonstrated the approach by having the system teach itself the London Underground (subway) map and figure out the quickest route between stops. It’s a […]

Google Improves Image Recognition; Releases Project as Open Source Software

Google says its algorithm can correctly caption a photograph with nearly 94 percent accuracy. The company says the improvements come in the third version of its system named Inception, with the score coming from a standardized auto-caption test named ImageNet. It reports the first version scored 89.6 percent, the second 91.8 percent and the new […]

FREE Ebook: A Comprehensive Guide to Optimizing Windows 10 (a $14.95 value) FREE for a limited time!

For today’s free ebook offer, get A Comprehensive Guide to Optimizing Windows 10 (a $14.95 value) for FREE! Windows 10 is Microsoft’s newest and most powerful Operating System but at the end of the day, it’s still software. Like any other software program, it needs to be properly configured and optimized. Learn how to optimize […]