When a Mousepad Becomes a Wireless Charger

Logitech has produced a mouse pad with a built-in wireless charger. One downside is that it’s a proprietary technology. Seeing your wireless mouse run out of battery is certainly one of modern computing’s annoyances, often prompting the realization that you didn’t quite get around to recharging a spare battery and you’re going to have to […]

Twitch Viewers Become Stock Traders

The stock market is the latest cooperative game for Twitch viewers, with one brave software developer putting up $50,000 for users to invest with their collective wisdom. While it’s primarily a platform for watching others play games, Twitch has had several experiments for collective play, including users coordinating chat room commands to complete an entire […]

Turing Tumble: New Marble Run Game Teaches Computer Logic

A new Kickstarter project aims to make a marble run game that acts as a mechanical computer. Turning Tumble involves players solving logic puzzles by constructing a pathway with six different parts. The game will ship with 51 puzzles to solve, detailed through a graphic novel storyline, though there’s scope for future expansions and user-created […]

Android OS Creator Makes Own “Essential” Phone

One of the men who created Android has unveiled a high-end phone. But at $699, Andy Rubin’s ‘Essential’ phone seems somewhat misnamed. The most notable different feature is a modular element. It’s not quite the Lego-like design that Google explored before abandoning, but rather a new form of expansion port. It’s two magnetic clips on […]

The Thrifty Geek: Five Steps To That Next Gadget Buy

Let’s face it: we’re in a difficult economy, we geeks. We covet the expensive, the shiny, the technologically advanced, all in spite of our financial situation. Sure, some geeks are lucky. They’re good with numbers and programming and, in spite of economic woes, can manage to get by and drive new cars and snatch up […]

5D, Holograms, & DNA: The Amazing Hard Drives of the Future

Today’s data storage solutions have an expiration date. What’s on the horizon to replace them? The folks from SciShow take a look at some of the possible and amazing hard drive technologies of the future, including five-dimensional glass memory that can store up to 360TB per disc, holographic data storage, and DNA data storage. [SciShow]