Dual-Arm Robot Conducts Symphony Orchestra [Video]

YuMi, the world’s first truly collaborative dual-arm robot, has made its debut at the opera by conducting Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli and the Lucca Philharmonic Orchestra at the Teatro Verdi in Pisa, Italy, after being invited by Mr. Bocelli. Among the guests was ABB CEO Ulrich Spiesshofer, under whose leadership YuMi was developed. The unique […]

FREE eBook: Penetration Testing – A Survival Guide ($55 Value)

Today on Geeks are Sexy, we’re offering you “Penetration Testing – A Survival Guide” ($55 Value) from Packt Publishing for free! The need for penetration testers has grown well over what the IT industry ever anticipated. Running just a vulnerability scanner is no longer an effective method to determine whether a business is truly secure. […]

NES Classic Returns Next Year

Nintendo is bringing back the NES Classic – but not until Summer 2018. It’s also extending supplies of the SNES Classic. After initial batches proved nowhere close to supplying demand, Nintendo originally said it would not be making any more of the NES Classic because its resources were tied up in another project, which turned […]

Tesla Remotely Extends Electric Car Range In Florida

Tesla has remotely unlocked the ability for Florida drivers fleeing Hurricane Irma to get an extra 30 to 40 miles in an electric car without recharging. It’s a temporary measure that highlighted an usual element to the battery capacity. Early Model S and Model X Tesla cars came with a standard 75 kWh battery pack, […]

Quantum Computing Gets New Approach

Australian researchers say they’ve found a way to achieve quantum computing with existing chip manufacturing. The “flip-flop qubit” could dramatically cut production time and cost for quantum computers. The basic concept of quantum computers is to take advantage of the way subatomic particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously. That makes it possible to store […]

Mouse Brain Cells Could Act As Airport Security

Mice neurons rather than silicon circuit boards could be the key to an airport security computers according to one start-up. The Koniku Kore device is designed to sniff out explosives in the same way as a mammal. The device is the work of Nigeria’s Oshi Agabi and is based around the idea that traditional computers […]

Burger King Launches Own Cryptocurrency

Burger King has launched its own cryptocurrency in Russia. The WhopperCoin appears to be primarily a way to cut admin costs on a loyalty scheme. Unlike most blockchain based currencies, you can’t get WhopperCoin by mining. Instead you earn one coin automatically for every rouble you spend buying a Whopper. You can then spend 1,700 […]

A Massive Army of Dancing Robot Set a New World Record [Video]

THe new world record for the largest group of dancing robots, which took place in Guangzhou, Guangdong, was recently broken with a jaw-dropping 1,069 synchronised machines dancing simultaneously. A few robots did fall during the attempt, but these were deducted from the final record total. [Guinness World Records]