Google’s AlphaGo Destroyed By Less Humane A.I. Successor

Remember Google’s program that learned to beat champion Go players? It’s been comprehensively beaten by its successor, which learned the game from scratch. AlphaGo Zero, which worked without any game history data, beat the original AlphaGo in a 100 match series by a margin of 100 games to zero. Go has always been a challenge […]

AAA: Car Touchscreens Too Distracting

AAA says on-board technology such as touchscreens could be distracting drivers and risking safety. It wants car makers to disable some features such as programming a navigation route while the vehicle is moving. The organisation’s Foundation for Traffic Safety ran a study of thirty 2017 model cars in which drivers carried out three hours of […]

Free eBook: Get Coding For Dummies ($16 Value) FREE For a Limited Time

Today we’re offering you Coding For Dummies (a $16 Value) free for a limited time! No coding experience is required for Coding For Dummies, your one-stop guide to building a foundation of knowledge in writing computer code for web, application, and software development. Using foundational web development languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it explains […]

YouTube Battles Twitch With ‘Sponsorship’ Program

YouTube is to expand a program letting game streamers earn money directly from viewers. It comes across as a clear attempt to compete with the success of Twitch. Though the Sponsorships program already existed in beta form, it was largely downplayed in favour of a separate scheme for paid access to view a channel. That’s […]

Free eBook: Linux Networking Cookbook (a $17 Value) – FREE For a Limited Time

For today’s free eBook, we’re offering you the Linux Networking Cookbook (a $17 value) for free! Move beyond the basics of how a Linux machine works and gain a better understanding of Linux networks and their configuration. This is a hands-on solution guide to building, maintaining, and securing a network using Linux. What You Will […]