MOBICASE – The Most Functional Laptop Bag for Mobile Workers

The Mobicase is the ultimate 2-in-1 laptop bag & stand that allows you to work smarter, not harder and put and end to your laptop posture! 20+ features. Lightweight. Thoughtful design. Work in cafes, planes, and anywhere you want without compromise. The MOBI CASE is the world’s first laptop case with an inbuilt, laptop stand. […]

FREE I.T. eBooks: Kali Linux Penetration Testing, Powershell Scripting, Windows 10 for Enterprise Administrators

Today, we have 4 free I.T. ebooks for you guys. These ebooks are mainly for people working in the I.T. field, but if you’re curious about Kali Linux penetration testing, Powershell, or Windows 10 for administrators, they’re available to anyone. –Kali Linux 2 – Assuring Security by Penetration Testing, 3rd Edition ($22 Value) FREE For […]

Intel + AMD Radeon = Slender Gaming Laptops

Long-term rivals AMD and Intel have partnered to work on a new processor that could mean better gaming on laptops. Intel will produce a Core processor that includes a graphics core running AMD’s Radeon system. It’ll be a sequel of sorts to the existing Intel H-Series. Shipments are scheduled for the first quarter of next […]

Samsung Openly Mocks iPhones in Latest Commercial Even though I’ve been a Samsung Galaxy user for as long as I can remember and the company has been one step ahead to Apple when it comes to features, I still think iPhone are great smartphones. In their latest commercial, Samsung open mocks Apple for always being late to the party and pictures […]

Paralized Man Experiences Burning Man and Skiing Through Virtual Reality [Video]

Evan W. Gadda is a student at the University of Nevada, Reno studying Musical Theatre. The team at @One Digital Media within the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center was able to bring a virtual reality experience to him with the hopes to bring this to more people. Here are the two videos he watched (Both are interactive): […]

Turtle Poses As Rifle To Trick AI

A 3D-printed “turtle” could trick image recognition systems into thinking it was a rifle according to a newly-published study. Researchers from MIT and LabSix were exploring whether known ways to fool systems in 2D-images could work with photos of physical objects. The study tried to expand on the existing practice of “adversarial images” that are […]

A Perfect and Revolutionary Laptop Bag For Travelers & Adventurers

If you travel a lot, most laptop bags won’t offer you much apart from carrying your laptop around with you, but thanks to the Moose Designs laptop bag, things are about to change! The Moose Designs laptop bag offers innovative features that creates your own private workstation anywhere! Check it out in more details in […]

AI Takes Human Approach To Beat Captchas

Artificial intelligence bots have reclaimed the advantage in their battle with Captcha challenges – and the scary part is they’ve done it by aping what was thought to be humans’ advantage. The Captcha challenges in question are the ones that involve identifying a string of characters despite distortions such as wavy text or cluttered backgrounds. […]