GIVEAWAY: Enter to Win an Amazon Echo Smart Home Bundle ($500 Value)

Enter this sweepstake for a chance to win an Amazon Echo Smart Home Bundle that includes: Amazon Echo Plus with Built-In Hub, Wemo Mini Smart Plug, 2 Smart LED Light Bulbs, Arlo Q Security Camera, and a 1-year Amazon Prime membership. Geographic Eligibility: USA Only. No Purchase Necessary. The “Amazon Echo Plus Bundle Sweepstakes” is […]

Samsung Phones To Get 512GB Storage

Samsung plans to double the maximum on-board storage space on smartphones to 512GB. Its new flash storage will also work quicker, making 4K recordings more viable. The company says it’s already producing the new storage, which comes as an eight-layer embedded chip. However, it’s not confirmed if the storage will be available in the next […]

Cyber Monday Week Deals: Save BIG on Philips Wake-Up Lights, Sphero R2-D2, LEGO Sets, and MORE!

Even though Cyber Monday is over, there’s still plenty of good deals online this week. Here’s our selection for today! –Philips Wake-up Light with Sunrise Simulation alarm clock, White HF3500/60 – $39.99 (Be sure to Clip the Coupon at the Link!) –Philips Wake-Up Light with Colored Sunrise Simulation alarm clock & sunset fading night light, […]

Spiders Eat Graphene, Spin Superwebts

Researchers say feeding graphene to spiders produces stronger webs. The researchers think it could mean new ways to make parachutes rather than it being the start of a cheap disaster movie. As we’ve covered many times, graphene is made of carbon atoms arranged in a chain of hexagons, somewhat like chicken wire. The material is […]

Phoney Phones Battle ‘Smartphone Addiction’

A designer has created a bogus smartphone to help addicted users wean themselves off handling devices. But it appears to be more of a conversation-starter than a serious commercial prospect. The range of five designs take a similar approach to smoking cessation projects of yesteryear which worked on the basis that the physical sensations of […]

An Auto Shop In Poland is Still Using a Commodore 64 To Run Their Shop

After getting my Vic-20 in 1980, the Commodore 64 was the second computer my parents got me. I was not even ten years old back then, and in my memory, it’s still the best computer I ever owned as a child. It can’t really compare to today’s PCs, but back then, it was also the […]

Little Miss Inventor Joins Mr Men Line-Up

A female engineer will be the latest star of the Mr Men Books. Little Miss Inventor will debut on 8 March next year, coinciding with both British Science Week and International Women’s Day. The publishers told the BBC that the character is “intelligent, ingenious and inventive.” The story features her coming up with relevant inventions […]